Fun Anniversary Logos
Duolingo 10th Anniversary Logo
A logo is a tool and the design of that tool depends on where and how you need to use it. This logo is a perfect example of that given that the vast majority of people who see this logo will be the millions of users of this popular app. So their logo took on the form of a square, fun shape featuring their popular mascot so it could be used as an element within the app like badges and awards. It's such a smart move.
More Details →Disneyland 70th Anniversary Logo
With a brand like Disneyland, you know they're going to deliver a great anniversary logo and this version did not disappoint. The classic word mark starts it off with a two-tone purple number seventy crowned with the traditional castle silhouette in pink to make a clean, tidy package that will likely make it easy to use given the similar dimensions to the original logo.
More Details →Rubik's 50th Anniversary Logo
When your brand is one built around a toy (even a challenging one), it's not surprising to see so much color and a playful vibe in their original logo. So when Rubik's celebrated an anniversary they took that same colorful angle, turned their normally 3D shape into a 2D figure to better stand in place of the number zero, and added a number 5. That's all they need for a simple, effective mark.
More Details →Dum Dums 100th Anniversary Logo
When you make a candy that is loved by children, you need a logo to extends the fun, playful vibe of their original mark and that's exactly what Dum Dums did here. This logo features a large number 100 in the same font as their logo and using the child-relevant word birthday instead of the adult-minded anniversary. The candle replacing the number 1 is a perfect way to both break up the color red and reinforce the birthday language of the sub text.
More Details →Pokemon 25th Anniversary Logo
When you're a brand that's as popular as Pokemon, it doesn't take much more than replacing the eys of one of your most famous characters with simple, round representations of the numbers for the anniversary they're celebrating. Folks like me who don't know much about Pokemon may not recognize it, but people like my daughter who love the brand will know instantly what it represents.
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