80th Anniversary Logos

Carl's Jr. 80th Anniversary Logo

Using the chain's classic colors and fonts, this logo starts with a large number 80 in the center. Around the outside sit 8 of the famous stars the brand is known for with a larger version of that well-known shape peeking out from the zero. At the bottom sits their traditional logo to create a fun, creative logo that's also neatly on brand and easy to tie back to the original.

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SESLOC Federal Credit Union 80th Anniversary Logo

This mark was rarely used on its own, but because they stuck to the same blue color, shape, and style as the company's original logo, this design was a nice campanion to traditionally branded materials. The difference in this mark was a large number 80, unique line art behind, and a large word "YEARS" below the number. The design looked great and was used really well by this credit union during their anniversary.

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Hankook 80th Anniversary Logo

This logo starts with a large number 80 made using three concentric circles for each loop of the number but then places all three into another circle that hides some of the edges. The loose ends of the circles are then connected to make a classy mark that still makes it easy to see the original number. An anniversary tag line sits just to the right. While not recognizable on it's own, this mark is a great asset for Hankook's marketing materials.

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Battle of Normandy 80th Anniversary Logo

Marketing the anniversary of such an imporant but somber occassionan, this logo uses a clean serif font for a large number 80 that sits on the far left of the logo. Just to the right of that is a dove made of sharp angles and shapes using a few varieties of the same blue. Finally, words sit to the right of that clarifying the why and what of this anniversary.

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Dialight 80th Anniversary Logo

Starting with a classic circle shape, this mark doesn't use as many colors as the brand's traditional mark, but uses both a prominant, center placement of the usual logo with an illustration around the edges of the circle that adds visual cues back to their primary product which, in this case, is LED lighting. A ribbon across the bottom third holds the reason for celebration and creates a little bit of depth for this design.

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The Way International 80th Anniversary Logo

Adding a number of elements you'll see in anniversary logos, this logo uses a thick circle to hold one ring of words, another ring outside of that holding the classic Laurel leaf pattern, and a banner at the bottom where they've played the organization's motto. In the center is placed their year of celebration with the original logo situated at the top.

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Monopoly 80th Anniversary Logo

Monopoly applied classic board game design to this anniversary logo that features the traditional, rectangular logo for the game at the bottom of a diamond with a large, three-dimensional number 80 sitting above. Below the years of the game's existence are included with simple, gold lines to keep a sharp look that balances the rest of the design.

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