Media Anniversary Logos
Jurassic Park 30th Anniversary Logo
This famous first installment of what is now a multi-part video series already had an iconic logo that was not only the logo for the movie, but the fictional park inside the movie. So instead of starting from scratch, they added the words "25th anniversary" below the words in the traditional logo and called it good.
More Details +Hydraulics Online 15th Anniversary Logo
This side-by-side layout using a brand's original logo is becoming more and more common, for good reason. A vertical line seperates this media outlet's traditional logo from a simple design using a number fifteen. Even if this number was using readily available stock imagery of their annersary number, the combination of this mark and their usual design makes it a clean lockup that's easy to tie back to the original brand.
More Details +Attractions Ontario 40th Anniversary Logo
If you've visited a rest area in Ontario you've probably seen their simple logo that features an overlapping O and N. Given the large empty space that already existed in the first letter of their name, they simply placed text to signify their anniversary inside of that O and called it good. The original brand remains but the celebration is clearly visible.
More Details +Ski Area Management Magazine 60th Anniversary Logo
It's not often you see a magazine celebrate their 60th anniversary, but this is exactly what SAM did and celebrated with a clean, crest-style badge in two shades of teal as the base. At the top, their written logo follows the curve of the top of the crest with their traditional lowercase "sam" word mark placed at the bottom. In the center, a red number 60 with a star shape behind to fill in the space and provide balance.
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